Pain Junkies

Where Slave Girls Come To Cry

BDSM Stories – The Abduction – Chapter 11

Written By: Editor - Apr• 01•08


    I awoke with a jerk, and quickly looked around. I was no longer tied up and
was free to move around. The girls were not in the room, and I got up and
started to look for them. They were no where around! Not in the house or
outside it! Linda’s car was also gone, but Cathy’s van was still there but no
keys. Not knowing just what to do, I returned to the house, and went into the
kitchen to eat. On the counter next to a full pot of coffee, was a note…..

“Dearest Master,

You were sleeping so quietly, that we decided to make a quick trip to the store
and get some additional groceries and other items. We will be back as soon as
we can.

             Most Humbly Yours,

             Slave Cathy
             Slave Linda”

I sat there drinking my coffee and thinking….

    “This is turning into a wild week! Shit, not turning, but is! The girls
were both slaves and dominatrix! I hadn’t run across any like this before. But
then again, I am not into being the slave. So, now what? Hmmmmmm. Well, today I
will be in control and WILL stay that way! No more of this waking up all tied
up shit! So what to do… hmmmmm. let’s see. Cathy likes to be forced huh?
Well, I can take care of that! And Linda really doesn’t like to be dominated.
Cathy enjoys pain,….. well she’ll get her fill of that today! Linda doesn’t
like pain but she will get just as much. Hmmmmm.”

    As I sat there thinking, I heard the car pull in. Turning in my chair, I
waited for the girls to enter. The door opened, and both girls entered with
some bags of groceries. When they saw me sitting there, they quieted up, and
came on in. They put the bags on the counter, and both fell to their knees into
the correct submissive position. I looked at them, and then decided to forbid
them clothes today. I told them to leave the room, undress, put on their wrist
and ankle cuffs then to return.

    Without a word, they left and I continued to drink my coffee. When they had
returned and were back on their knees, I told Cathy to make some breakfast for
me. I wanted eggs, and bacon, and coffee. Cathy got up and started to make
breakfast. Linda I told to suck on me a bit to get me in the mood for later. I
sat there, watching Cathy work, with Linda’s hot mouth working on my cock. She
was fondling my balls, and taking every bit of my dick into her mouth. Long
slow strokes. Cathy meanwhile had the skillet going and put some bacon strips
in it. When she reached for an apron, I stopped her!

    “Listen you dumb slave!” I said. “I told you not to wear anything this
entire day! that goes for aprons too.”

    “Yes Master.” she said. “But the bacon grease will splatter, and it is

    “Now that’s just too damn bad! And make sure that you don’t burn my food.”

    Cathy returned to cooking, and when the bacon started to sizzle, I could
see her jerk each time a drop of grease hit her. It just added to my arousal!
What with Linda’s mouth making my cock feel so good. When Cathy said that
breakfast was ready, I pushed Linda away, and moved to the table. I had Cathy
get in position to my right, and told Linda to get under the table and continue
sucking. Long about halfway thru breakfast, I started to cum in linda’s mouth.
She never missed a stroke either! She continued to suck hard on my bucking dick
and swallow as fast as she could. This was great! A good breakfast and two
lovely slaves for pleasure.

    After breakfast and another cup of coffee, I went to the main room and
called the girls to me.

    “I am going for a short walk now.” I said. “By the time I return, you will
clean up the kitchen, and both take a hot shower. After the shower, Slave linda
will tie Slave Cathy face down on the bed. I want her ass raised with pillows,
and Linda will be kneeling next to the bed.”

    “Yes Master” they both replied.

    I wandered around the area for quite some time. Thinking about what I was
going to do. Along the way, I came across a young birch tree and cut a couple
of switches. Long, thin, limber switches. By the time I had returned to the
cabin, I was sure the girls were ready and I had planned what I was going to

    When I walked into the bed room Cathy was tied to the bed and her ass was
high. I walked next to it, and ran my hand over its smooth cheeks. Up and down
her legs and brushing her pussy too. I had Linda bring the large dildo. I put
it in Cathy’s mouth and told her to suck on it. When it was wet, I had Linda
hold Cathy’s cheeks apart and then pushed it a ways up her asshole. Cathy
yelped as it went in, but otherwise laid still. Stepping aside, I handed Linda
the thin birch branch. I told her to begin whipping Cathy starting at the knees
and then up to her shoulders. Each time I felt that she was not hitting Cathy
hard enough, I would give her two strokes.

    Linda started in. SNAP…SNAP….SNAP…..SNAP…SNAP.

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